Professional Keynote Speaker, Author, Coach, Educator

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Your biggest competition is you! | competition

Too often we fall into a trap of comparing ourselves to other people.  I see this so often in my work with young people, and sadly many adults continue to compare and compete with others their entire life.

They see someone who has a bigger house, or a nicer car, or makes more money, or has the “perfect family”, or has some quality they want, and in their minds they begin to chase after what someone else has.

Do you like the results you’re getting?

Do you like the results you are getting in your family, in your marriage, in your work, in your relationships, in your health?

I want to remind you this morning that there is one person who is responsible for the results in your life, and that one person is YOU.  Here are 4 thoughts to help you move from where you are to where you want to be:

Making Changes that Last

Jim Rhon said, “Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.”   I have found this to be true, but I’ve also found that change is hard to make.

If you’re like a lot of people I meet and work with, there are things in your life that you would love to change.  I read of a study that said 92% of people who attempt to make a change are not able to actually make it.

“Fear or Courage: You Choose!”

There are many things in our life that cause fear.  Many people fear failure.  Some fear success.  Some fear what others are going to think of them.  Some fear the pain they must go through to reach a difficult goal.

Fear is a common emotion that we all must battle. 

Leadership Lesson from Coach Wooden

I was remembering a great leadership lesson I learned from the legendary UCLA coach, John Wooden. I was fortunate many years ago to join about 20 other high school coaches in a private round table session with Coach Wooden on the Bruin campus. 

At the time Dennis Rodman was an NBA star getting much attention because of his antics and demonstrative style.

I asked Coach Wooden, “Coach, how would you handle a player like Dennis Rodman?”

Mental Toughness Required!

Mental toughness is something often talked about in sports.  If an athlete wants to be successful he must master the mental game as much as the physical game.  The mentally weak may have some success, but it will not last.  Lasting success only comes to those who have a high level of mental toughness.

This is true in sports and in life.

Navigating Adversity

There are seasons of life when things go well and other times when everything seems to be going against you.  Your attitude in each season is what makes the difference!  Your attitude, and your character are much more important than your circumstances.  With the right mindset, even in the midst of difficulties you can thrive, and not just survive.

Henry Ford said, “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.

Deserve Success!

Basketball season is in full swing and I have begun another season of practices with my team.  Each year I look at my guys and I have to assess our strengths and weaknesses, and determine  what our scheme for the season will be.  I always ask the question, “Why should we win?”

Make A Decision!

“Make A Decision!”

What does it mean to make a decision?

The English word decision comes from a Latin word that literally means “to cut off”.  When you make a decision you are cutting off all other possibilities.

How many times have you decided to do something only to go back on it?  Have you ever decided to start exercising, to go on a diet, to go to bed earlier, to get up earlier, to get to work earlier, to be more patient, to spend less money, to save more money, to keep your house more organized?

You are what you repeatedly do

You are what you repeatedly do.

One of my all time favorite quotes is from Aristotle who said, “You are what you repeatedly do.  Excellence, therefore is not an act, but a habit.”

What is it you repeatedly do?  Your actions day in and day out define who you are more than anything else.  It’s not your intentions that determine who you are, but your actual daily habits.  Your habits are what determine your growth and the quality of your life.

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