In a world that is constantly changing, having a growth mindset is essential to success.  The COVID Pandemic is leading the way by stifling the growth and progress of many people.  Don’t be one of them.  If you are not growing, then you are dying – there is no staying the same – and no matter what your situation there are opportunities for growth.

Here’s how to grow through what you go through:

1.  Remember growth is not automatic.
Growth doesn’t happen on it’s own.  It’s not an automatic process.   If you are going to see growth in your life, then you must be intentional about it.  Change is inevitable, but growth is optional.  Personal growth cannot be left up to chance.
Get rid of the excuses.  The current culture, politics, and policies should never keep you from growing.  You can make excuses or you can make progress, but you can’t make both.  Decide what areas of your life you want to focus on, and then determine what steps you are going to take to see growth.

Sure, all the factors brought on by COVID are making it more difficult.  There’s no doubt about it.  But if you really want to grow, you will.

Ask, “What are you intentionally doing to make sure you are growing?”

2.  Growth doesn’t happen by what you do in a day, but by what you do daily.

Motivation gets you going, discipline keeps you growing.  The key to growth is discipline and consistency.

Don’t underestimate what you can accomplish if you are consistently working every day towards a goal.  Many people think greatness is an achievement that comes about on some day, but it’s rather a result of the habits you have each and every day.

To improve your success habits, you need to improve your discipline. You can do this by refusing to sacrifice what you want most for what you want at the moment.  It’s the daily disciplines and habits that will bring about the results you want.

Ask, “What are you daily habits that are bringing about growth in your life?”

3.  Everyone has potential to grow.
Potential is a word of hope, promise, and optimism.   It’s a word that gives a vision of what’s possible.  Today, in our current crises, many people do not have hope.  They think that their present must equal their future, and that is just not true.   Begin each day with the correct mindset;  one that says, “No matter what happens today, I’m going  to learn, I’m going to be better, and I’m going to make the most of today.”    track
Don’t allow discouragement and adversity to prevent you from growing and making progress towards reaching your full potential.  The obstacles you face are only there for you to determine how bad you really want it.

You will never reach your full potential if you allow the challenges of life to stop you.

Two questions to ask yourself, “Am I working as hard has I possibly can, or have I allowed entitlement to creep in?” and “Am I allowing obstacles to discourage me from growing and reaching my full potential.

Decide today you are going to be intentional about your growth.  Obstacles are really opportunities in disguise. Make sure your daily habits are going to lead you to where you want to go, and you will reach your potential to become the person you were meant to be.